The love
for estate

A real attention to detail

New Property Benefits

The comfort and serenity of purchasing a new apartment,
whether to live in or to invest, will bring you security, guarantees
and many other benefits.

Comfort and Security

Purchasing a new Franco Suisse 2 Lacs property
means enjoying comfort and security

By becoming the owner of a new Franco Suisse 2 Lacs housing, you will benefit from an elegantly designed apartment with a traditional approach and all the functionalities of modern living. Our apartments offer benefits and services that make the difference with old properties.

Whether it is the parking lots, the videophones, the Vigik badges, the elevators, the home automation system, the soundproofing, the noble materials, the associated services, you will benefit from the last standards and the last technologies of the market for an incomparable comfort and safety.

New Property Guarantees

Peace of mind thanks to new property guarantees

By purchasing a new property, you also benefit from a battery of guarantees that protect you:

Guarantee against apparent defects
During the month following the handing over of the keys, you can report to the real estate developer any defects detectable by a careful and non-professional examination. A letter with acknowledgement of receipt to report the defects is sufficient for the seller to undertake to find a solution to the defects found.

Maintenance bond
1 year against defects that are not due to normal wear and tear. With this guarantee, similar to the previous one, the real estate developer undertakes to carry out work on all the disorders which have occurred within one year following the acceptance of the work. In order to make use of it, a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt is necessary. The owner then agrees with the real estate developer on the time frame for the work to be done.

More guarantees

Comfort for your new life

Two-year guarantee of fitness
2 years on the elements severable from the construction. The guarantee involves the elements intended to function, severable from the construction work. It is valid for two years as from the reception of the works on the value of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The elements covered are of this type: intercom, double glazing, electric cooking plates, taps, radiator, heat pump, etc.

Ten-year guaranty
10 years on certain types of damage that can affect the solidity of a construction. During 10 years, this guarantee covers the defects and damages of constructions which affect the solidity of the building or make it uninhabitable. It therefore covers major works (framework, roof, etc.).

Financial Benefits

The Financial Benefits

Reduced notary fees

Notary fees represent an average of 2% of the purchase price in new properties compared to 7% to 8% of the purchase price in old housing.

No work to be performed

Buying a new property gives you the advantage of having no work to be done.

Direct purchase, no real
estate agent

Buying a new property gives you also comfort to deal directly with the estate developer - builder. No need of intermediaries or real estate agents. Furthermore, at Franco Suisse 2 Lacs, all our agents are employees of Franco Suisse 2 Lacs.

Reduced fees

Thanks to the new thermal regulation standards, the new residences and apartments consume less energy. This means lower charges compared to an old housing.

Energy standards

Energy standards

Today more than ever, we are aware of our impact on the planet and are looking for solutions to save energy on a daily basis.

Thanks to the improvement of building standards, this is now possible: consume less energy, reject less CO², reduce your energy bill and improve your living comfort thanks to the most up-to-date technical and environmental standards RT2012, RT2020, HQE.

The Franco Suisse 2 Lacs services

The Franco Suisse 2 Lacs services to live in

Pour vous permettre de protéger à la fois votre patrimoine et votre famille face aux imprévus de la vie, Franco Suisse 2 Lacs a souscrit pour vous à une police d’assurance “Protection Revente Immobilière*”.

  • La Garantie Revente Immobilière couvre pendant 5 ans l’éventuelle perte financière, c’est à dire la différence entre le prix d’achat et son prix de revente subie lors de la revente précipitée du bien immobilier, suite à un événement particulier de la vie.
  • L’indemnité de compensation est plafonnée à 10% du prix d’achat du bien immobilier, dans la limite de 30 000 €(1).
  • Grâce à la protection juridique, bénéficiez d’un accompagnement à l’amiable ou au judiciaire en cas de litiges liés à la revente de votre bien immobilier(2).

In order to have the possibility to purchase a Franco Suisse 2 Lacs apartment, Privilège allows you to resell your current property confidently:

  • Contact by an agent within 48 hours,
  • Free estimate realized within 8 days,
  • 4% tax-free fee rate of the selling price,
  • Energy Performance Certificate (DPE, Diagnostic de performance énergétique) offered,
  • Experienced representative and exclusive comparative methodology(3).

Bail Réel Solidaire (BRS)*

Faciliter l'accès à la propriété

Notre mission consiste à construire des résidences de qualité en réponse à la forte attractivité de notre région.
Le BRS* constitue un dispositif innovant dans l’éventail des solutions permettant aux habitants d’accéder à la résidence principale.
Cette solution permet à un large éventail de personnes de devenir propriétaire :

  • les plus jeunes foyers
  • le personnel des professions administratives et de santé
  • les foyers en transition

Franco Suisse Deux Lacs est le premier opérateur privé en Haute-Savoie à avoir signé un BRS* avec l’Organisme Foncier Solidaire local La Foncière 74.

Les réalisations sont récurrentes parmi nos plus belles résidences, notamment Villas Paloma à Argonay, au cœur du Grand Annecy, Villas Thalia à Chens-sur-Léman ou encore Villa Agata et Villa Olympia à Annemasse.

Bail Réel Solidaire (BRS)*

Faciliter l'accès à la propriété

Quels sont les avantages du BRS* ?

  • Jusqu’à 40 % d’économie, par rapport au prix du marché selon la région.
  • Réduction de la TVA à 5,5% au lieu des 20% habituels.
  • Possibilité de profiter du Prêt à Taux Zéro.
  • Vous êtes propriétaire de votre appartement.
  • Une revente garantie : l’Organisme Foncier Solidaire s’engage à racheter le bien après des démarches de vente infructueuse.

Quelle est la durée du BRS* ?
Jusqu’à 99 ans sans résiliation possible par l’OFS. Ce bail est renouvelable et ainsi pérenne dans le temps. En cas de revente, le bail conclu avec les nouveaux propriétaires est renouvelé pour la même durée.

Puis-je revendre un logement en BRS* ?
Oui, vous pouvez revendre à n’importe quel moment. La revente se fait à un prix encadré qui peut évoluer et à des personnes répondant à des conditions de ressources comparables aux vôtres.

Bail Réel Solidaire (BRS)*

Faciliter l'accès à la propriété

Puis-je réaliser une plus-value ?
OUI - elle peut exister : la formule de calcul estimant la valeur du logement prend en compte l’évolution du marché immobilier local. Et elle est volontairement limitée afin de garantir des prix abordables aux prochains acquéreurs BRS* dans le temps.

C’est quoi le Bail Réel Solidaire ?
Le principe est simple ! Tout repose sur la dissociation entre le bâti et le foncier. Concrètement : vous achetez votre appartement et le terrain est acquis par un organisme foncier solidaire (OFS). Chaque mois, vous payez une faible redevance à l’OFS pour l’occupation du terrain.

* Le Bail Réel Solidaire est un dispositif sous conditions de ressources, pour l’achat d’un logement en résidence principale uniquement. Voir détails et éligibilité sur notre espace de vente.

Le BRS* en vidéo

Your future project

The steps for your future project

Step 1

Develop your real
estate project

Step 2

Evaluate your
financing capacity

Step 3

Sign the reservation

Step 4

Sign the bill of sale
with the notary

Step 5

Customize your
upcoming housing

Step 6

Pay for your
property as it is
being built

Step 7

“Finished partitions” visit

Step 8

Pre-delivery visit

Step 9


Investing in a new property

Invest in real estate with comfort,
security and guarantee thanks to many

When you invest one of our Villas, you give priority to residences located in the most residential cities of the Ile-de-France region, which ensure a lasting value to your real estate investment.

Choosing Franco Suisse 2 Lacs means choosing remarkable architecture with noble materials, well-designed plans and innovative, environmental services. These quality requirements are essential for a successful investment in real estate.

Benefits of investment

The Franco Suisse 2 Lacs benefits
for investing in a new property

Franco Suisse 2 Lacs cultivates its passion for high quality contracting works and focuses on excellence in all areas, accompanying you throughout your purchase.

Investing in a Franco Suisse 2 Lacs residence means choosing an address and a strategic location. Whether they have classic or contemporary lines, our residences come out from an architect’s idea. Our villas feature beautifully decorated halls and common areas, as well as carefully tended landscaped gardens.

In addition, our apartments benefit from services that combine innovation and environmental approach.

New Property Guarantees

Peace of mind thanks to new property guarantees

By purchasing a new property, you also benefit from a battery of guarantees that protect you:

Guarantee against apparent defects
During the month following the handing over of the keys, you can report to the real estate developer any defects detectable by a careful and non-professional examination. A letter with acknowledgement of receipt to report the defects is sufficient for the seller to undertake to find a solution to the defects found.

Maintenance bond
1 year against defects that are not due to normal wear and tear. With this guarantee, similar to the previous one, the real estate developer undertakes to carry out work on all the disorders which have occurred within one year following the acceptance of the work. In order to make use of it, a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt is necessary. The owner then agrees with the real estate developer on the time frame for the work to be done.

More guarantees

Comfort for your new life

Two-year guarantee of fitness
2 years on the elements severable from the construction. The guarantee involves the elements intended to function, severable from the construction work. It is valid for two years as from the reception of the works on the value of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The elements covered are of this type: intercom, double glazing, electric cooking plates, taps, radiator, heat pump, etc.

Ten-year guaranty
10 years on certain types of damage that can affect the solidity of a construction. During 10 years, this guarantee covers the defects and damages of constructions which affect the solidity of the building or make it uninhabitable. It therefore covers major works (framework, roof, etc.).

Financial Benefits

The Financial Benefits

Reduced notary

Notary fees represent an average of 2% of the purchase price in new properties compared to 7% to 8% of the purchase price in old housing.

Reduced fees

Thanks to the new existing energy standards in the construction industry.

Tax exemption

Possibility of exemption from tax thanks
for furnished properties (LMNP).

Security of your

When you buy a new housing, you benefit from a ten-year warranty that covers the repair of any damage that occurs after the official end of construction, for 10 years.

Direct purchase, no real
estate agent

Buying a new property gives you also comfort to deal directly with the estate developer - builder. No need of intermediaries or real estate agents. Furthermore, at Franco Suisse 2 Lacs, all our agents are employees of Franco Suisse 2 Lacs.

The Franco Suisse 2 Lacs services

The Franco Suisse 2 Lacs services for investment

Making a rental investment in a new property is a safe and lasting investment to build the future, while benefiting from favourable tax measures in order to reduce your taxes.

With the Franco Suisse 2 Lacs benefits, you make a secure investment without any pressure.

With Epargnissime®, you no longer have to worry about finding a tenant and about the administrative requests for your property. You benefit from the following advantages:

  • 2 years of offered fees with our partner Citya,
  • Free delivery assistance,
  • Privileged conditions for a “Nonresident Owner” insurance, which covers the occupied or unoccupied apartment in case of a natural disaster or disaster(1).

Franco Suisse 2 Lacs allows you to secure your purchase with Garantissime®, offering 5 years of guarantees: the Resale Guarantee covers the possible financial loss in case of capital loss should your property be resold in a rush, following a particular event. The compensation, limited to €30,000, covers up to 10% of the cost(1).

In order to have the possibility to purchase a Franco Suisse 2 Lacs apartment, Privilège allows you to resell your current property confidently:

  • Contact by an agent within 48 hours,
  • Free estimate realized within 8 days,
  • 4% tax-free fee rate of the selling price,
  • Energy Performance Certificate (DPE, Diagnostic de performance énergétique) offered,
  • Experienced representative and exclusive comparative methodology(1).

Our exceptional locations for an
investment between Greater Annecy and Greater Geneva

Free investment or LMNP: all are attractive.
But the effectiveness of an investment depends mainly on the choice of property.

LMNP statute

The non-professional furnished rental offers you an interesting potential return while enabling you to benefit from a favourable tax system. You have two options:

Micro-BIC plan (BIC stands for “Bénéfices Industriels et Commerciaux”, ie business profits)
By choosing the micro-BIC plan, a deduction of at least 50% is made on the revenue. You are therefore only taxed on half of your rents.

Actual plan
With the actual plan, you deduct all the building occupancy expenses from your rents and you can also apply the amortization principle which can generate more tax deductions. More information

Free investment

The possibility of buying a new property as a “free investment” allows you to rent it without constraints. For the first rental, the investor is free to set the rent and choose the tenant.

This rental is subject to the common law system, which imposes no ceiling on the rent or the tenant's resources. The investor can resell the property at its discretion, at a specific date of its choosing or use it as a second residence or as a furnished rental.

Investing in a new property with Franco Suisse 2 Lacs

The Franco Suisse 2 Lacs Villas offer the guarantee
of a first-class long-term investment.

The love for estate