Annecy-le-Vieux (74)
Villa Iliana - 4 rue des Mouettes Annecy-le-Vieux 74940
The goal of the Environmental Regulation 2020* (RE 2020) is to continue improving the energy performance and comfort of buildings, while reducing their carbon impact. It is based on three main points:
- Continue to reduce the overall consumption of new buildings and improve their energy performance.
- Reduce the impact of new buildings on the climate by taking into account all of the building's emissions over its life cycle, from the construction phase to the end of its life.
- Enable residents to live and work in a place that is adapted to future climatic conditions, while pursuing the objective of comfort in summer.
*The RE 2020 concerns all housing for which the building permit has been submitted from January 1, 2022.
Reduced VAT
Home ownership assistance in the ANRU zone (Agence Nationale pour la Renovation Urbaine [ANRU] - National Agency for Urban Renovation): Reduced VAT rate
The sale of new dwellings for primary residence and located in some neighborhoods (neighborhoods forming part of an agreement with the National Agency for Urban Renovation - ANRU) and within 300 meters around these neighborhoods can benefit, under certain conditions, from a reduced VAT rate at 5.5% from 1 January 2014 (against 20% normally).
For operations within 301 to 500 meters around an ANRU neighborhood, the VAT rate is 20% from 1 January 2014. By derogation, dwellings in operations whose application for building permit has been submitted no later than the 12/31/2013 will continue to benefit from the reduced VAT rate at 7%.
The BRS, Bail Réel Solidaire* (Solidarity Real Lease), leasehold arrangement is a way to become the owner of your apartment at a much more affordable price. In concrete terms, you own the apartment but the land remains the property of the Organisme Foncier Solidaire. You can thus benefit from a price up to 40%* less expensive than a traditional purchase in a new housing. Do not hesitate to contact our agents to determine if you are eligible.
*See details and conditions in sales outlet.
We have chosen to offer you an NF Habitat certified housing on this development. A housing that meets a demanding set of specifications, which represents for you concrete benefits in your daily life and will bring you quality of life, control of consumption, safety and comfort.
The requirements of this forward-looking certification are reflected in our commitment to the quality of the design and construction of your housing, as well as in the service provided to you.
*NF Habitat certification is issued by CERQUAL Qualitel Certification, the certification body of the QUALITEL Association.
We have chosen to offer you an NF Habitat HQETM certified housing on this development. A housing that meets a demanding set of specifications, which represents for you concrete benefits in your daily life in an environmentally responsible manner.
Quality of Life
Safe living spaces that promote good health, pleasant, convenient and comfortable spaces, and services that make living together easier.
Environmental Safety
Rational use of energy and natural resources, limitation of pollution and fight against climate change, consideration of nature and biodiversity.
Economic Performance
Optimization of expenses and costs.
The requirements of this forward-looking certification are reflected in our commitment to the quality of the design, construction and performance of your housing, as well as in the service provided to you.
*NF Habitat HQETM certification is issued by CERQUAL Qualitel Certification, the certification body of the QUALITEL Association.
La location meublée non professionnelle vous offre un rendement potentiel intéressant tout en vous faisant bénéficier d’une fiscalité avantageuse. Deux possibilités s’offrent à vous :
Le régime micro-BIC (Bénéfices Industriels et Commerciaux)
En optant pour le régime micro-BIC, un abattement de 50% au minimum est effectué sur les recettes. Vous n’êtes donc imposés que sur la moitié de vos loyers.
Le régime réel
Avec le régime réel, vous déduisez de vos loyers l’ensemble des charges locatives et vous pouvez également appliquer le principe d’amortissement ce qui peut générer davantage de déductions fiscales.
Profitez de PRIMO BOOST, l’offre la plus sûre pour permettre aux primo-accédants de devenir propriétaire :
- Seulement 500 €* à la réservation
- Économisez jusqu’à 12 000 €** sur une sélection de résidence
- Frais de notaire offerts*
- Prêt à taux 0 %* boosté grâce à notre partenaire LCL
* et ** Voir conditions en bas de page
Le PTZ (Prêt à Taux Zéro) est un prêt complémentaire facilitant l’acquisition par un primo-accédant d’un logement neuf situé dans un immeuble collectif. Les intérêts sont pris en charge par l’État, sans frais de dossier.
Les avantages du PTZ 2024 :
- Le financement jusqu’à 50 % de l’achat d’un logement neuf (selon la zone géographique, les revenus de l’emprunteur et la composition du foyer)
- Une durée de remboursement variable (de 10 à 15 ans) comprenant une période de différé de remboursement (0, 2, 8 ou 10 ans selon les revenus)
- Un allongement de prêt, sur 20 ans au moins, afin de réduire le montant des mensualités des prêts
Conditions et éligibilité :
- Ne pas avoir été propriétaire de sa résidence principale au cours des deux dernières années précédant la demande de prêt
- Occuper le logement à titre de résidence principale pendant au moins 6 ans
- Respecter des plafonds de ressources (le montant varie en fonction du nombre de personnes logées et de la zone géographique du logement)